Collaborative Institutes

International collaborations

  • GLOBE Institute: Evo and Eco Genomics Sections (University of Copenhagen, DK)
  • Isotopik Lab and Laboratory Of Human Evolution (LEH) (University of Burgos, Spain)
  • Leibniz-Labor für Altersbestimmung und Isotopenforschung der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU; Dr John Meadows)
  • Turaida Museum Reserve (Vija Stikāne), National History Museum of Latvia (Alise Gunnarsone), organic residue analysis from the Latvian Late Iron Age pottery
  • University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology (Elisabeth Holmqvist-Sipilä); organic residue analysis from the Finnish Late Iron Age pottery from cemeteries
  • University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology (Kerkko Samuli Nordqvist); organic residue analysis from the Finnish Corded Ware pottery
  • Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia (Gunita Zarina; Vanda Visocka), organic residue analysis from Abora Stone Age settlement site pottery
  • Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia (Vanda Visocka), organic residue analysis from Latvian Bronze Age pottery
  • Early Pottery Research Group, University of York, BioArCh laboratory
  • ERC project INDUCE „The Innovation, Dispersal and Use of Ceramics in NW Eurasia“, PI Carl Heron, British Museum
  • Riņņukalns, a Neolithic freshwater shell midden site in northern Latvia and its significance for cultural development of the Eastern Baltic Stone Age; PIs Harald Lübcke, John Meadows, Ulrich Schmölke; Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, (ZBSA)
  • Stockholm University Archaeological Science Laboratory (Sven Isaksson, Kerstin Lidén, Gunilla Eriksson)
  • University of Turku, Ravanttula Ristimäki Late Iron Age and early medieval church and cemetery project, human migrations studies, PI Juha Ruohonen
  • University College Dublin, Anita Radini
  • University of Turku, Mia Lempiäinen-Avci