Pots and bones project's talks

  1. Vahur, S.; Kiudorv, L.; Somelar, P.; Cayme, J. M.; Oras, E.; Leito, I. (2022). Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis of Clay-Containing Materials Using ATR-FT-IR-PLS Method. 5th International InArt 2022 Conference, Paris, France, 28 June to 1 July 2022.
  2. Cayme, J. M.; Vahur, S.; Leito, I.; Oras, E. (2022). Keeping organic compounds in ancient pottery: A preliminary investigation on the effect of clay matrix. Archaeology Spring Days 2022, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2-3 June 2022.
  3. Johanson, K.; Chen, S., Oras, E.; Sammler, S.; Blehner, M. A. (2022). Multi-approach analysis of plant consumption: a case-study of Iron Age settlement at Pada, NE Estonia. – 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Budapest, Hungary, 31 August – 3 September 2022.
  4. Johanson, K.; Chen, S., Oras, E., Sammler, S., Blehner, M. A. (2022) Mida nad sõid – Pada asula savinõude kõrbekihtide analüüs. – Interdistsiplinaarsed võimaluse minevikusündmuste uurimisel, Tartu, 9. detsember 2022.

  5. Tõrv, M., Johanson, K. (2022) “Richard Indreko – arheoloog paguluses” – Konverents “Gustav Ränk 120. Tartust laiemasse maailma.” Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 6.04.2022

  6. Tõrv, M. (2022). Conversion to Christianity: from the Late Iron Age to the Middle Ages in Estonia (11th–13th century CE).  Workshop “Collecting the dead: home, community and the end of life in the conversion of Scandinavia to Christianity (c. 950–1250 CE)” (Stockholm University, 5th–6th May 2022)
  7. Tõrv, M.; Johanson, K. (2022). “Richard Indreko – arheoloog paguluses”   Konverents “Gustav Ränk 120. Tartust laiemasse maailma.” (Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 6.04.2022)
  8. Tõrv, M.; Rammo, R. (2022). Dressed as brides: a study on the effects of clothes and ornamentation to the final position of bones. –  Workshop “Getting out of the grave: archaeothanatology and the chaînes opératoires of mortuary processes”. (Växjo, Sweden) 

  9. Chen, S.; Vahur, S.; Teearu, A.; Juus, T.; Zhilin, M.; Savchenko, S.; Oshibkina, S.; Asheichyk, V.; Vashanau, A.; Lychagina, E.; Kashina, E.; German, K.; Dubovtseva, E.; Kriiska, A.; Leito, I.; Oras, E. (2022). Classification of Archaeological Adhesives from Eastern Europe and Urals by ATR-FT-IR Spectroscopy and Chemometric Analysis. InArt 2022: 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, 28.06 – 01.07.2022 Paris, France. InArt2022. 
  10. Vahur, S.; Kiudorv, L.; Somelar, P.; Cayme, J.-M.; Oras, E.; Leito, I. (2022). Quantitative mineralogical analysis of clay-containing materials using ATR-FT-IR-PLS method. inArt 2022: 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, 28.06 – 01.07.2022 Paris (France). inArt2022. 
  11. Oras, E.; Scheib, C. (2022). aDNA and other biomolecules. Dietary, disease and provenance studies.Workshop “Building bridges between disciplines: ancient DNA & archaeology”., Tartu, Estonia. 19th-22nd Octobet 2022.
  12. Oras, E.; Tõrv, M.; Johanson, K.; Rannamäe, E.; et al. (2022) Baltikumi põlluharijate „jahil“. Interdistsiplinaarsed võimalused minevikusündmuste uurimisel. Tartu, Estonia. 9th of December 2022.  
  13. Oras, E.; Anderson, J.; Tõrv, M.; Vahur, S.; Rammo, R.; Remmer, S.; Mölder, M; Malve, M.; Saag, L.; Saage, R.; Teearu-Ojakäär, A.; Peets, P.; Tambets, K.; Metspalu, M.; Lees, D. C.; Barclay, M. V. L.; Hall, M. J. R.; Ikram, S.; Piombino-Mascali, D. (2022) Multidisciplinary investigation of two Egyptian child mummies at the University of Tartu Art Museum, Estonia. – 43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA), Lisbon, Portugal. 16th-20th May 2022. 
  14. Oras, E.; Tõrv, M.; Rannamäe, E.; Anderson, J. (2022) Dating the Egyptian mummies curated at the University of Tartu Art Museum collections. 24th Radiocarbon Conference, 10th 14C & Archaeology Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 11th-16th September 2022. 
  15. Oras, E.; Tõrv, M.; Johanson, K.; Rannamäe, E.; Varul, L.; Lucquin, A.; Lundy, J.; Visocka, V.; Legzdina, D.; Zariņa, G.; Lõugas, L.; Brown, S.; Cramp, L.; Heyd, V.; Reay, M.; Pospieszny, Ł.; Robson, H. K.; Nordqvist, K.; Kriiska, A.; Craig, O. E.; Heron, C. (2022) Eastern Baltic HG-farmers transition.  London, UK. 7th of November 2022.
  16. Tõrv, M.; Oras, E., Meadows, J., Lang, V. & Kriiska, A. (2021) Archaeology, radiocarbon and dietary stable isotopes: novel approaches to 14C dating of human remains in Estonian Bronze Age. – 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Kiel, Germany (virtual) 6.-11. September 2021.
  17. Oras, E.; Scheib, C.; Hendy, J.; Tõrv, M.; Malve, M. (2021) Social dietary practices with biomolecular archaeology: multiproxy analysis of Conversion period cemetery at Kukruse, NE-Estonia. – 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Kiel, Germany (virtual) 6.-11. September 2021.
  18. Unt, A.; Niinesalu, M.; Johanson, K. (2021). The budding of plant microfossil research in Estonia. 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Kiel, Germany (virtual) 6.-11. September 2021.
  19. Tõrv, M.; Oras, E.; Meadows, J.; Lang, V. & Kriiska, A. (2021) Archaeology, radiocarbon and dietary stable isotopes: novel approaches to 14C dating of human remains in Estonian Bronze Age. 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Kiel, Germany (virtual) 6.-11. September 2021.
  20. Oras, E.; Scheib, C.; Hendy, J.; Tõrv, M., Malve, M. (2021) Social dietary practices with biomolecular archaeology: multiproxy analysis of Conversion period cemetery at Kukruse, NE-Estonia. – 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Kiel, Germany (virtual) 6.-11. September 2021.
  21. Oras, E. (2020). Archemy: when archaeology meets chemistry. – Series of Lectures, Zooming in Archaeological Biomaterial Laboratories, University of Helsinki. 26. January 2021. 
  22. Rannamäe, E. (2020). Retroviral insertions confirm the ancient origin of native sheep in Estonia and provide guidance for the conservation program. – The Virtual 3rd World Conference on Sheep, Beijing, China 16.-18. October 2020.
  23. Oras, E.; Tõrv, M.; Jonuks, T.; Malve, M.; Radini, A.; Isaksson, S.; Gledhill, A.; Kekišev, O.; Vahur, S.; Leito, I. (2018). Gender-specific food consumption in conversion period inhumation cemetery at Kukruse, NE-Estonia. – 8th InternatIonal Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA), Jena, Germany 18.-21. September 2018.