Last but not least we are introducing our Archemy board member: Mari Tõrv!

Q: How did you end up in this field?

How did I find myself in the world of archaeology, a field often associated with the adventures we expect from Indiana Jones? Well, it all began with a spark of inspiration, ignited by other women.

My fascination with history begun in high school. My history teacher`s engaging approach inspired me to study history and archaeology. As I delved into university life, another influential woman, my ethnology lecturer, broadened my interest in humans in general.

The transition from student to archaeologist was guided by my PhD supervisors – Berit and Liv. They demonstrated what it truly meant to be an archaeologist! And here I am, still in the field, surrounded by a fantastic team, predominantly comprised of women. It’s this group that has kept me rooted in academia. A heartfelt thanks to these ladies!