Author: archemy

New popular science papers by Archemy team members

The 2020 Tutulus has been published! Tutulus is an Estonian archaeology magazine – one issue a year, at the end of the year – provides information on what has happened in Estonian archaeology during the past year. The colorful edition contains only of original stories. Tutulus introduces archaeology, its research directions and methods, as well…
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Archemy-group celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Archemy-group celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on the 11th of February 2021! We have created a dedicated logo to acknowledge, encourage and cherish women in academia. Feel free to download and use the logo for all good purposes! Logo was kindly made by Jaana Ratas. (choose the logo you want by clicking on…
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Our team member received the Estonian national student research competition award

In 2020 the annual Estonian national student research competition was held. Archemy team member Sandra received the National Heritage Board’s II special premium award for her BA thesis “Iru linnamäe kaun- ja teraviljade isotoopanalüüsid” (“Isotope analysis of pulses and grains found from the Iru hill-fort”). It is Sandra’s first research award and it was a great…
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TEDxTallinn 26/09/20

Our prime investigator and leader of the Archemy group, Ester Oras, attended TEDxTallinn talk on the 26th of September. TEDxTallinn talk’s theme was called “Käänaku taga” (“Behind the turn”) and Ester gave a speech about long term changes in food culture, social nutrition patterns and the relationship between food and health. Due to the COVID-19…
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Pottery making and cooking experiment 13/08/20

To find out how organic residues absorb and preserve on the pottery surface, experiments on cooking typical food stuffs in experimental pots were done utilizing ancient skills. As one of our traditions, Archemy members held an annual pot making and cooking event last August 2020. Besides enjoying each other’s company, the purpose of this get…
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